* inkl. MwSt.
Health, work safety & rights
We are highly committed to the safety and health of our employees. Therefore, we take all measures required in order to ensure safety and protection of health. We follow all relevant regulations and working instructions and always use the required protection equipment in our production.
It is a matter of course that we follow the locally legal regulations in all regions and countries. Our actions are orientated to ethical values and principles in particular: integrity, honesty and respect of human dignity. We are fundamentally opposed to corruption and bribery. We encourage transparency, integral action, responsible strategies and management in the company. The universal principles of the United Nations “Global Compact” are our guidelines. We put our sustainability commitments into action by following the guidelines of the International Labour Organization and the general principles and rights laid down in the “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”. Our operations are aligned with the universal principles of human rights and we are committed to elimination of all forms of forced labour and the abolition of child labour. From our suppliers we expect the same commitment – relevant regulations are defined in our Code of Conduct for Suppliers.