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Detlev Henschel

The German canoe magazine referred to Detlev Henschel as the “marathon guy”. He defines himself more as an adept of Laotse’s and Kant’s philosophies having an adventure problem. For him the trips are a way of “rebooting” i.e. setting his brain back to zero and restarting it in our fast and supersaturated world, therefore he returns back to nature, minimalism and exertions. The phD scientist, photographer and bestseller author of numerous books which were translated in many languages is well-known for his long expeditions:
For example 2500 kilometers in a kayak from Flensburg to the Polar Circle, 2000 kilometers around Lake Baikal in Sibiria, 6800 kilometers across Europe, 45000 kilometers offroad in a four wheel drive through Australia’s outback or to remote corners in Namibia, 3000 kilometers on foot through Japan, 2000 kilometers from Slowenia across the Alps to Nice or 8000 kilometers on foot from Los Angeles to St. John in New Foundland etc. etc.
Detlev lives together with his partner Katrin Frommhold close to Bremen at the North German coast. Katrin joins most of his expeditions and documents the trips with her film camera for subsequent professional film productions.


Detlev Henschel