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Employee benefits

ORTLIEB wants to be an attractive and optimal employer. The company offers – in addition to standard benefits – special benefits and voluntary services thus offering a beneficial package for both employee and employer. It includes small things such as fruit days, free beverages, allowance for canteen food etc. and also comprises participation of all employees in the company’s success in the form of bonuses and variable remunerations. The high retention of our employees encourages us in following this objective. Offering stable jobs is one of our main targets. At Ortlieb if possible we try take-on temporary employees supporting the company in peak periods and turn them into a permanent role.

Employee benefits

Bicycle incentive and supporting public transport

ORTLIEB has been awarded and recognized as the first “bicycle friendly company” in Northern Bavaria by the German Bicycle Association ADFC. By implementing numerous measures we encourage our employees to use the bicycle as regular means of transport. Besides a bike pool of test bikes we also support purchase of new bicycles, assist in leasing and sponsor bicycle checks and repairs. Our company premises also provide its own bike station with parking and a workshop.
In addition to our bicycle support ORTLIEB reimburses its employees a partial amount of their public transport costs.