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Jens Hübner
Sharpening your vision for important stuff. Collecting unforgettable impressions and experiences outside your used surroundings. These were Jens Huebner’s motives for setting off.
2 years and 25.000 km later the artist and designer Jens Huebner from Berlin returns from his world tour by bicycle. In his luggage he transports more than 200 paper cuts, watercolors, and sketches on goat skin, along with license plates from more than 42 countries and 5 continents. He captured the special moments of his trip in these drawings and pieces of art.
He deliberately chose the most simple means of transport, lodging and documentation in order to approach the countries and its people as directly and authentically as possible. The different perspectives that come along with slow travelling by bicycle and the intense processing of impressions by means of drawing allowed him to concentrate on essentials and to easier perceive details. Today he gives workshops instructing how to use watercolor techniques.
His current project “Along the River Nile” took him four months through East Africa on his bicycle. His shows and expositions on this project will display the different landscapes, cultures and people of Egypt, the Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda.